Ricerca nella scheda BIBLIOGRAFIA

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Sono stati trovati piu' di 100 documenti. Totale documenti trovati: 4835.
Nominativo AutoriAnnoTitoloDownload
BIZZARINI F.2017"In memoria". Giampietro Braga (Cesena 26.02.1932 - Padova 02.06.2016)
VAN HARDENBROEK M., LEUENBERGER M., HARTIKAINEN H., OKAMURA B., HEIR O.2016Bryozoan stable carbon and hydrogen isotopes: relationships between the isotopic composition of zooids, statoblasts and lake water.
ALMEIDA A.C.S., ALVES O., PESO-AGUIAR M., DOMINGUEZ J., SOUZA F.2015Gymnolaemata bryozoans of Bahia State, Brazil.
ALMEIDA A.C.S., SOUZA F.B.C., SANNER J., VIEIRA L.M.2015Taxonomy of recent Adeonidae (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) from Brazil, with the description of four new species.
BARNES D.K.A., FENTON M., CORDINGLEY A.2015Climate-linked iceberg activity massively reduces spatial competition in Antarctic shallow waters.
BERNING B., KOSTERSITZ R.2015Eine pseudoplanktonische Bryozoe aus dem Alteren Schlier bei Enns
CALDER DALE R.2015George James Allman (1812-1898): pioneer in research on Cnidaria and freshwater Bryozoa.
CUFFEY R.J., FARRELL U.C., GAPP I. W.2015Calcite on calcite: bryozooans encustring on, and barnacle borings in, myalinid pelecypods (Upper Pennsylvanian - Lower Permian, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas).
DENISENKO N.V., GREBMEIER J.M.2015Spatial patterns of bryozoan fauna biodiversity and issue of biogeographic regionalization of the Chukchi Sea.
DI MARTINO E., TAYLOR P.D.2015Miocene Bryozoa from East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Part II: ‘Ascophoran’ Cheilostomata.
DI MARTINO E., TAYLOR P.D., JOHNSON K.G.2015Bryozoan diversity in the Miocene of the Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
ERNST A., TOLOKONNIKOVA Z., DENAYER J.2015Upper Frasnian (Upper Devonian) bryozoans in proximal facies of southern Belgium.
ERNST A., TOLOKONNIKOVA Z., WYSE JACKSON P.N.2015Stratigraphic relevance and typification of the Mississippian fenestrate bryozoan Narynella narynica (Nikiforova, 1933).
FEHLAUER-ALE K.H., WINSTON J.E., TILBROOK K.J., NASCIMENTO K.B., VIEIRA L.M.2015Identifying monophyletic groups within Bugula sensu lato (Bryozoa, Buguloidea).
FIGUEROLA B., KUKLINSKI P., TAYLOR P.D.2015Depth patterns in Antarctic bryozoan skeletal Mg-calcite: Can they provide an analogue for future environmental changes?
GONTAR V.I.2015Bottom fauna and ecology of Bryozoa in the Laptev Sea.
GORDON D.P., TAYLOR P.D.2015Bryozoa of the Early Eocene Tumaio Limestone, Chatham Island, New Zealand.
GRISCHENKO A.V.2015To the cheilostome bryozoan fauna from the continental slope of western Kamchatka. (In Russian).
GRISCHENKO A.V., CHERNYSHEV A.V.2015Triticella minini - a new ctenostome bryozoan from the abyssal plain adjacent to the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench.
JIMENEZ-SANCHEZ A., VENNIN E., VILLAS E.2015Trepostome bryozoans from the upper Katian (Upper Ordovician) of Morocco: gigantism in high latitude Gondwana platforms.

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